MIDDLE EASTERN CULTURE CENTER IN JAPAN,THE is a Japan company, located in 1357-1 Uchi, Hayato-cho, Aira Gun, Kagoshima. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: MIDDLE EASTERN CULTURE CENTER IN JAPAN,THECountry: JapanAddress: 1357-1 Uchi, Hayato-cho, Aira Gun, KagoshimaInternational Area Code: 81Phone: 0422-32-7111 (+81-0422-32-7111)Category Activities: Entertainment, Events, Parties, Parks GalleriesArea: KagoshimaIndustry: Entertainment, Events, Parties, Parks Galleries More Links OME MUNICIPAL MUSEUM OF PROVINCIAL HISTORY SYSTEM SEIYAKU CO., LTD. MIDDLE EASTERN CULTURE CENTER IN JAPAN,THE MINI BOX SAPPORO UPOHS NARA-SHOP ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments