FUJI SEIKO LTD. is a Japan company, located in 26, Hirako, Yoshiwaracho Toyota, AIC Japan, 473-8511. more detail is as below. Company Information Company Name: FUJI SEIKO LTD.Country: JapanAddress: 26, Hirako, Yoshiwaracho Toyota, AIC Japan, 473-8511International Area Code: 81Phone: +81-5-65536611Fax: +81-5-65536601Contact: Mr.Makoto MoriWebsite: www.c-max.co.jpProduct List: Activities: Manufacturer of super-hard tools for automobiles parts.Type: Activities: Manufacturer of super-hard tools for automobiles parts.Year of Establish: 1958Profile: Activities: Manufacturer of super-hard tools for automobiles parts. More Links MARUSAN-AI CO., LTD. FUTABA INDUSTRIAL CO. LTD. FUJI SEIKO LTD. TOYODA MACHINE WORKS LTD. NISSEI CORP. ‹ previous | next › Log in to post comments