현재 위치

Sera Co. Ltd.

Sera Co. Ltd. 은 일본 회사로, Amagasaki-shi Hyogo 에 위치해 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 다음과 같다.

기업 정보

  • 회사 명: Sera Co. Ltd.
  • 나라: Japan
  • 주소: Amagasaki-shi Hyogo
  • 국제 코드: 81
  • 전화: 81 6-6498-8999
  • 팩스: 81 6-6498-2911
  • 웹 사이트:
  • 제품 목록: Precision Processing Of Parts For Automobile And Motorcycle Brakes, Doors, Seats, Etc. And Fine Blanking And Stamping Work Of These Parts.
  • 분류: Precision Processing Of Parts For Automobile And Motorcycle Brakes, Doors, Seats, Etc. And Fine Blanking And Stamping Work Of These Parts.
  • 종류: Manufacturers
  • 프로필: Fine Blanking Is A Hybrid Metal Forming Process, Which Is Unique In Both Machinery And Designed Tooling. Fine Blanking Process Combines The Technologies Of Stamping And Cold Extrusion Which Shorten The Surface Finishing Process To Save Time And Offer Better Quality Of Parts Than Other Press Process. Parts Produced By Fine Blanking Die Were Pressed And Sheared By The Cut Edges Of Main Punch And Die, Which Have Smaller Clearance Than Normal Press Die. The Parts Produced By This Process Have Fully Sheared Straight Cut Edges. Fine Blanking Process Also Produces Parts With Small Holes And Thin Web Sections Corresponding To Material Thickness, Parts With Excellent Flatness And Parts That Have Very Little Dimensional Variation From The First Parts Through The Millionth Part And Beyond. In Short, Fine Blanking Is An Extremely Precise High Volume Manufacturing Process, Which Offer Fine Quality For The Mass Production Of Parts. Fine Blanking Is Cost Effective For The Long Life Project. Today More Than 60% Of Fine Blanked Parts Are Used In The Automotive Industry With Thickness Of Up To 19millimeter.
  • 지역: Hyogo
더 많은 링크

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  • Yamashita Works Co. Ltd.
  • Sera Co. Ltd.
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  • Coral Co., Ltd. (osaka)

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