현재 위치

M - Factory

M - Factory 은 일본 회사로, Ibaraki Ibaraki 에 위치해 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 다음과 같다.

기업 정보

  • 회사 명: M - Factory
  • 나라: Japan
  • 주소: Ibaraki Ibaraki
  • 국제 코드: 81
  • 전화: 81 297 27 9780
  • 팩스: 81 297 27 9781
  • 웹 사이트:
  • 제품 목록: Automobiles, Used Muv, Used Sedan, Used Vans, Used Vehicles, Motorcycles
  • 분류: Automobiles, Used Muv, Used Sedan, Used Vans, Used Vehicles, Motorcycles
  • 프로필: We Choose The Best Way To Ship And Great Vehicles According To Your Needs. We Think It Important To Ship Vehicles Taking Your Detailed Needs Into Consideration Like Conditions And A Budget. We Possibly Export From One Vehicles To One Hundred Or More. If You Order A Few Vehicles, We Will Ship Them By Wooden Package. As For A Big Trading, We Will Use A Container(20/40feet) To Ship. Our Company Has Many Dealings With Stores In The United States Now. We Are Also Good At Exporting Vehicles Toward Africa, The Middle East, Rossia, And China.
  • 지역: Ibaraki
더 많은 링크

  • Ishihara Plastic Industrial Co., Ltd.
  • Mieda Trading Ltd
  • M - Factory
  • Raiden Co. Ltd.
  • Bbele Inc.

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